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December 21, 2022

City Council Members
Geoff Dale- Mayor
Katherine Burnworth-Mayor Pro Tem
Robert Amparano-Council Member
James Tucker-Council Member


City Council
City of Imperial
220 West 9th Street
Imperial, CA 92251-1637

December 21, 2022
Closed Session at 6:00 pm
Open Session at 7:00 pm

The Imperial City Council meetings, including public comments, are being live streamed on the City’s social media pages. By remaining in the room you are giving your permission to be recorded.
  1. You are encouraged to observe the City Council meetings via Livestream at the City of Imperial Facebook page.
  2. Email public comments to by 5:00 pm on Wednesday, December 21, 2022. Comments received by 5:00 pm will be read into the record during the regular meeting.
In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in the meeting, please contact (760) 355-4373. A notification of 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the city to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting [28CFR 35.102-35.104 ADA title II].

A. City Council Convenes to Closed Session at 6:00 pm

A-1.Public Employee Performance Evaluation (§54957)
 Title: City Manager
A-2.Conference with Legal Counsel – Existing Litigation (§ 54956.9(d)(1))
 Case Number.: 4A2210BMYH5-0001
A-3.Conference with Legal Counsel – Anticipated Litigation
 Significant exposure to litigation pursuant to § 54956.9(d)(2): One (1) Potential Case

B. City Council Convenes to Open Session at 7:00 pm

Roll Call
Pledge of Allegiance
Adjustments to the Agenda
Action Taken in Closed Session

C. Public Appearances:

C-1. Matters not appearing on the agenda: If you wish to address the Council concerning any item within the Council`s jurisdiction, please raise your hand and be acknowledged by the Mayor. At that time, state your name and address for the record. The Mayor reserves the right to place a time limit on each person’s presentation of three (3) minutes. It is requested that longer presentations be submitted to the Council in writing.

C-2. Matters appearing on the agenda: If you wish to address the Council concerning any item appearing on the agenda, please raise your hand and be acknowledged by the Mayor. At that time, state your name and address for the record. The Mayor reserves the right to place a time limit on each person’s presentation of three (3) minutes.

D. Consent Agenda:

All items appearing under “Consent Agenda” will be acted upon by the City Council in one motion without discussion. Should any Council member or other person request that any item be considered separately, that item will then be taken up at the time as determined by the Mayor.

D-1.Approval of City Council meeting minutes from December 7, 2022.
D-2.Approval of agreement between Flock Group INC. and the City of Imperial.
D-3.Approval of continued emergency action of resolution No. 2022-60, HWY 86 and Aten Rd.
D-4.Approval of Claims and Warrants Report.
D-5.2022 California Building Codes, Adoption/2nd Reading of Ordinance NO. 823.
D-6.Approve Final Map for Victoria Ranch Unit 4B & Authorize the City Clerk to Record Final Map and Documents

E. Action Items: (Discussion/Action– Approve-Disapprove)

E-1.SUBJECT:Results of General Election Held November 8, 2022.
 1.Adoption of Resolution 2022-80; declaring the results of the November 8, 2022 General Municipal Election.
E-2.SUBJECT:Administration of Oath of Office and Presentation of Certificates of Elections to Those Officers Who Were Elected to Office.
 1.City Clerk Dennis Morita to Administer Oath of Office to Elected City Clerk, Kristina Shields.
 2.City Clerk Shields to Administer Oath of Office to Elected Council Members Stacy Mendoza, Ida Obeso-Martinez, and Reelected Council Member James Tucker.
E-3.SUBJECT:Reorganization of the City Council Members for 2023.
 1.Selection of Mayor
 2.Selection of Mayor Pro Tempore
E-4.SUBJECT:Reorganization of Successor Agency to the Redevelopment Agency Board for 2023.
 1.Selection of Chairman
 2.Selection of Vice-Chairman
E-5.SUBJECT:Recognition of Departing City Council Members.
 1.Recognition of Council Member Karin Eugenio
 2.Recognition of Mayor Geoff Dale.

F. Adjournment

F-1.SUBJECT:Adjournment of this Regular Meeting of the City Council is Until the Next Regularly Scheduled Meeting, Wednesday, January 4, 2023, at 7:00 p.m.



Agenda Coversheet
CC12-21-22.pdf (190.69 KB)


The City of Imperial strives to be an economically vibrant and culturally rich community with a strong sense of identity, pride and prosperity. It's the people, it's the place. Welcome home.

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