City Manager
City Manager
Dennis Morita
Office: (760) 355-4373
Fax: (760) 355-4314
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City Manager Dennis Morita
The City Manager is hired by the City Council, and serves at the pleasure of the City Council. The City Manager is responsible for the efficient and effective operation of all City departmental programs and services. The City Manager advises the City Council on the financial condition of the City; makes recommendations to the City Council on all legislative policy matters and supervises all appointed department managers, except the City Attorney, who is appointed by the City Council.
The current City Manager for the City of Imperial is Dennis H. Morita. Morita was appointed in July of 2020. Prior to his appointment as Interim City Manager, Dennis has served as the City of Imperial’s legal counsel for nearly forty-two years. He is a lifelong Imperial Valley resident, graduating from Central Union High School, obtaining his undergraduate degree at UCLA before attending Loyola of Los Angeles Law School. Dennis also serves as the appointed City Clerk for the City of Imperial.